
Term 3 Newsletter Week 9

Providing feedback both positive and negative is key to improved relationships in any context and situation. Please know that we listen to all feedback provided and in any form. We need to learn together the parameters of what a school can actually do and what the home can actually do to resolve any and all feedback. We have created a new page on our website for families and individuals to express their feedback. (copy and paste URL) Please be advised that Social Media is not an appropriate platform for expressing concerns. Education Queensland has very clear and strict defamation processes for parents engaged in any type or form of inappropriate comments to or about State Schools. We invite individuals to remove any post or comment that may breach these guidelines: (copy and paste URL) Please express your concerns through the appropriate processes.



Technology Busted

We live in the Digital Age with amazing advances in technology that are benefiting society and schools at a fantastic rate. We advances comes challenges in how and what technology is used for. Here are a list of myths we are busting with technology and our school:

Myth 1: Kids use iPads all day and don't know how to write!

Busted: Teachers design learning and include the best and most apporpriate tool to use. Some learning is best done using a device (vlogging, podcasting, coding) and others without. Teachers use a combination of tools and include handwriting in this process.

Myth 2: Kids are using social media at school to bully others!

Busted: Education QLD block and all social media sites, apps, spaces and tools on their wifi network. All devices used at school are purchased, owned and operated by Education QLD. No student has access to the App Store. Students might make a video or take a picture on their iPad locally. This is heavily monitored by staff and inappropriate use of devices come with significant consequences.

Myth 3: Kids are just playing Minecraft all the time.

Busted: Only Minecraft Education is installed and can be used at school. This is a cut down version of Minecraft and excludes all the zombie and spawning elements. It is monitored by Education QLD with inappropriate language in the collaborative chats policed. Only students sitting int he same room can join a combined world and collaborate.

​Myth 4: Kids have far too much screen time at school.

Busted: Screen time is relative to "what" the child is doing on the device. Activities that just require students to "consume" content (watching videos, playing games with the same repetitive process) require students to have breaks more frequently as this approach does have screen time issues. Activities that require students to "create" content (bloggs, vlogging, coding, digital creation) don't require as much frequency of breaks. Our teachers ensure that activities are dominated by content "creating" as much as possible.


There are amazing resources online for parents to support their children in the Digital Age. From social media access at home to gaming, here is a fantastic support website to help you tech your child how to be safe online:
Online STEM Challenge

We have trialled, with great success, extension learning for students using Brisbane's School of Distance Education services in the Virtual STEM Academy.  Our Year 4 students also competed in a school cluster Minecraft Challenge with teams receiving awards for participating and winning! Well done to all our students who engaged and participated.

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May be an image of 8 people and text

Disco Fever!

What an amazing way to end our Week 9 with a fun and fantastic disco! Our P&C did a wonderful job providing this excellent community event. Thanks to Mr Mika on the BBQ with Chappy Joss and Mrs Newson and Mrs Wilkes on crowd control! Thanks to Miss Anastsia for being the coolest DJ ever! Her energy, dance moves and activities made the night a wonderful success. More disco's to come in 2025!




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Last reviewed 14 September 2024
Last updated 14 September 2024