Professional Development
Being a continuous learner is key to being a successful teacher. At Deception Bay State School, we are committed to providing quality teaching to provide for our students to be the best that they can be. Fundamental to the quality of learning is our teachers' relentless commitment to improve their practise.
Professional Learning Committees (PLC)
Weekly our teachers spend time together in sectors with our Head of Department (Curriculum) to plan quality learning experiences. A continuous commitment and drive to quality teaching also means our teachers are engaged in a cyclical professional learning process. We focus on a specific teaching strategy, understand it deeply, practise and capture on film. They in our weekly meetings we unpack the film and set goals to improve.
Learning Walks and Talks
To support our PLC process, our Administration team conduct Learning Walks to ensure that the planned curriculum and focused pedagogy is enacted. Our Learning Walks enable us to speak directly with students, usually in the morning sessions, spending a few minutes letting students talk about their learning.
This process provides a quality insight into the teaching and learning experience of all our students. Key observation components and these are transmitted back to the teaching staff for personal reflection and improvement.