Welcome and thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Deception Bay State School where together we connect futures! We pride ourselves in developing strong family and community connections enabling us to provide quality educaiton for all children.
Enrolling at our school is an important and exciting process. We look forward to meeting you in person during the enrolment process. We value every student and family who become part of our community.
Please find and complete our expression of interest form below. Once received our enrolment team will contact you.
Check your address to make sure you're in our catchment!
Interview Process
All prospective enrolments must complete our Enrolment pack prior to the interview.
A digital copy can be downloaded here. Enrolment form. (PDF 3.45MB)
Alternatively, collected in person from our school office between 8am to 3pm Monday to Friday.
You will need to prepare for the interview and bring certain documents for the Principal to sight. Without the correct documents the enrolment cannot proceed.
Please bring the following items to the enrolment interview:
- You and the children applying for enrolment
- Each child’s birth certificate or passport
- A current passport and visa is required for any child born overseas
Proof of Residency Criteria.pdf
Privacy notice
The Department of Education through Deception Bay State School is collecting personal information in accordance with the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 in order to respond to your inquiry. The information will only be accessed by employees of the Department of Education. The information will not be given to any other person or agency unless prior consent is obtained.