Christmas Community Concert
Only 11 more sleeps until our Community Christmas Concert! Please make sure you have let is know you are coming by following the registration link Ms Wilson and Ms Ritter have been busy preparing the students. We have produced a lyrics runsheet for families to use to practise and slng-along with. Come one come all and have a great community time with us!
Student Achievement
Our amazing teachers have been consistently active and engaged in improving their practices through moderation. This process consists of taking a folio of student work, marking it against the Australian Curriculum and then providing opportunities for other teachers to check the process and content. This quality assurance process ensures that student achievement is solid and valid. This week, every students folio of work was mapped out in the moderation process. Great work Team DBay!
Awards and Celebration
On Monday the 4th of December we will have our Prep to Year 5 Awards event in the library celebrating student achievement. This will be a great opportunity for families to celebrate the success of their child in 2023. Following this event, our students will have their reward by going to for a splash in the pool from 11:10 - 1:10! This will be an exciting experience for everyone.
Aussies World
On Monday the 4th of December our Year 6 students will be going to Aussie World! Our P&C have kindly provided the funds for the bus travel and we'd like to thank "Give a Child a Chance" who have approached the school to pay for every year 6 students entrance fee! What a great way to end our 2023 with positive community connections.
NAIDOC Celebration
On Wednesday the 6th of December we are holding a NAIDOC celebration event. Our students are preparing a dance performance to share with everyone! Parents are invited to join us for a BBQ from 1:10pm followed by a traditional smoking ceremony, welcome to country and a performance. This will be a great opportunity to celebrate culture and community! All are invited.
Hall Developments
Evans Build are continuing to plough ahead with our amazing new hall. The playground is going in and the lining on the inside is being installed. Over the coming weeks, the final external cladding will take place, painting and landscaping to complete the project. This will be an awesome asset to our students and we thank everyone for their patience and support.